Monday, August 3, 2009


Twitter. I like the concept of it but I dont really understand how do use it, I guess its more for if your in a band or like coworkers or something.....if any of you have a twitter i would love to follow u so comment this and give me your twitter addy. thanks
-Hailey Bates

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Daily Thing's

Okay, My name is Hailey Bates I'm from Indiana. My parents married before I was born and were together for about four and a half years, after I was born things got bad my dad was a truck driver so he was gone all the time and left my mom and I home alone all the time wile he was on the road. My mom must just have goton tired of it, so they decided it would be better to split wile i was young instead of trying to make it work then possibly splitting up when I was older and knew more about what was going on.
I have always stayed close to my dad but yet closer to my mother her name is Retta and my father's name is Shannon. My mom always tried moving on but never really could find the right guy so I guess u could say I met alot of different men, over about 9 years. My dad tried a little bit but with his job and him trying to be able to buy me things and do things with me, he never really had time to try and find someone(that makes me sad) . Well years past and I always lived with my mom, she never really told me "no" that I couldn't go to my dad's she always let me. She was working at a casino in Indiana about 30 miles from our house and she was working 3rd shift trying to keep food on the table and have extra cash to pay the bills and maybe get me a shirt or something.
Wile she was working she met this man named John I always liked him I thought he was pretty nice I mean of course he had his faults but who doesn't? He had 3 children all son's 2 were 17 now 18 about to turn 19 and a 10 year old now 12 he was still married but wasn't really with his wife of 18 years she had decided that she wasn't into men anymore she wanted women and i didn't really see anything wrong with that i mean it's her choice. Well she was going to kick John out of their house so my mom told him that he could move in with us.
I was like "OH! cool this will be awesome" and it was for a little bit but after 9 years of me not used to living with anyone but mom I guess I got jealous and well decided that I didn't like him. I guess you could say I was being selfish but he just does things that are a pet peeve of mine and it just bothers me well he has been living here for 2 years and it has just continued to worsen.
My dad and I have just grown closer, my mom and I have grown apart.
After about 1 year of dating Mom and John decided to get married (October 17Th) after they were married Mom and John thought it would be best if mom quit working so she was like "yes i can do that" she did and she lost her car so now we live on a farm with one car and a man who works 12 hour shifts about to take on a part time job when all my mom has to do is get up off the couch and get a little job and give John a break I mean I might not like the man a whole lot but common give him a break! I have been wanting to move out for about one and a half years but I always thought it would break my mom's heart so I never told her and well I know that if I asked her she would say "no" because she wouldn't get child support money witch since she doesn't work is kind of like her pay check. She thinks that i think that she's a bad mother because I want to move out witch I don't think that she is I just think that some of the things she does is a little strange and i don't always agree with them but I'm only a chils so I don't really have a say about it.

When I turn 14 I can go in front of the judge and ask him/her if I can move in with my dad, he/she should say yes because there is no reason that I shouldn't be able to I would be better off there. well I know this is really long but this isn't even half of it so yeah I'm not sure how many people are really going to read this but I just had a bad day over all this stuff so I had to write it out to get it off my chest and I feel alot better lolz.
-Hailey Bates.